Evidence based date wise workflow logs collated by the intern with clickable and verifiable links
1. Case 1: 72 year old female, C/O weakness and slurring of speech 26/08/23 Ward: ward Unit: 3 DOA: 23/08/23 S: Episodes of vomiting O : Right facial nerve palsy CVA - ISCHEMIC STROKE SECONDARY TO ACUTE INFARCT IN LEFT MCA TERRITORY A: No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy. BP - 130/90 mmhg PR - 78 bpm RR - 16 cpm GRBS - 134 mg/dl CVS - S1 S2 Heard RS - BAE + P/A - Soft, non-tender P: 1. IV fluids NS 0.9 @75 ml/hr 2. Inj. Magnex forte 1.5 gm IV/BD 3. Inj. Metrogyl 500mg IV/TID 4. Inj. HAI S/C TID 5. Tab. Amlodipine 5 mg PO/OD 8AM 6. Tab. Ecospirin AV 75 mg PO/OD 7. Tab. Paracetamol 650 mg PO/SOS 8. GRBS 7 Profile 9. Regular dressing 10. Inj. Diclofenac 20 mg IM/OD 11. Monitor vitals 4th hourly PaJR: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JqIk6KGDFlEH19wQlVm0Pa BLOG: https://mahithaakireddyfmg07.blogspot.com/2023/08/72-f-co-deviation-of-mouth-to-left-side.html 2. Case 2: 65 F with B/L pedal ede...